Suihua City primary and secondary school campus surrounding environmental management regulations
Article source: Updated: 2023-09-04

《2024欧洲杯下注平台》已由Standing Committee of the Fifth People's Congress of Suihua City第七次会议于2022年11月24日通过,Approved at the 39th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th People's Congress of Heilongjiang Province on December 22, 2022,Hereby published,Effective from March 1, 2023。

Standing Committee of the Fifth People's Congress of Suihua City

January 6, 2023

Suihua City primary and secondary school campus surrounding environmental management regulations

(2022年11月24日Standing Committee of the Fifth People's Congress of Suihua City第七次会议通过 2022年12月22日黑龙江省第十三届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十九次会议批准)

Chapter I General rules

Article 1 In order to strengthen the environmental management around the campus of primary and secondary schools in this municipality,Create a good education environment,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of students,Promote the healthy growth and all-round development of students,In accordance with the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors, Heilongjiang Province School Safety Regulations and other relevant laws and regulations,Combined with the actual situation of the city,Enactment of these Regulations。



第三条 本市中小学校校园周边环境管理工作坚持政府负责、社会协同、公众参与、属地管理、综合治理的原则,实行严格的中小学校校园周边安全区域管理制度。

第四条 市、县(市、区)人民政府应当加强对中小学校校园周边环境的监督管理工作,建立中小学校校园周边环境安全保障和风险防控联席会议制度,协调解决中小学校校园周边环境综合治理中的重大问题和重大事项。

Article 5 The administrative departments of education of the people's governments at or above the county level shall perform the following duties according to law:

(1) Responsible for the daily work of the Joint meeting on Environmental Security and risk prevention and control around the campus of primary and secondary schools;

(2) To guide and supervise primary and secondary schools to establish and improve the safety management system around campus and the emergency response mechanism for emergencies and accidental injuries;


(d) in accordance with the "School bus safety Management Regulations" to perform school bus safety management related responsibilities;

(5) Other job duties prescribed by laws and regulations。



Article 7 Residents' (village) committees shall strengthen their daily contacts with primary and secondary schools in their localities,在职责范围内开展有利于改善中小学校校园周边环境的相关工作;协助政府有关部门宣传未成年人保护方面的法律法规,教育居(村)民自觉维护中小学校校园周边环境;指导、帮助、监督未成年人的父母或者其他监护人依法履行监护职责。

Article 8 Any unit or individual shall have the right to dissuade or stop the violation of these Regulations or to complain or report to the relevant departments。

The relevant departments shall accept and investigate complaints and reports in accordance with the law, and promptly report the results to the complainant。


The relevant departments that receive the report shall accept and dispose of it in a timely manner according to law, and inform the relevant units and personnel of the processing results in an appropriate manner。

第十条 鼓励、支持和引导人民团体、企事业单位、社会组织以及其他组织和个人,开展有利于中小学校校园周边环境治理的各项活动和服务。

第十一条 广播、电视、报刊、政府网站等媒体应当开展中小学校校园周边环境安全知识宣传,对侵犯未成年人合法权益的行为进行舆论监督;播出或者刊载有利于中小学校校园周边环境治理的公益广告。


The second chapter of primary and secondary school campus surrounding security area management measures

Article 12 Primary and secondary schools shall set up security agencies with full-time or part-time security personnel。








Article 16 Planning and construction activities within a certain range around the campus of primary and secondary schools shall comply with the following provisions:



(3) Shall not carry out other planning and construction activities that may affect the teaching order and safety of the school。

第十七条 在中小学校校园周边进行施工作业等活动的单位或者个人,应当根据学校以及周边道路、环境等情况采取安全防护措施,保障学生、教师以及其他关联人员安全。


第十八条 禁止任何单位、个人在中小学校校园边界任意一点向外沿直线延伸二百米范围内燃放烟花爆竹。

第十九条 禁止任何单位、个人在中小学校校园边界任意一点向外沿直线延伸二百米范围内使用高音广播喇叭,但紧急情况以及地方人民政府规定的特殊情形除外。


第二十一条 文化和旅游行政部门应当加强中小学校校园周边剧本娱乐经营场所内的剧本娱乐活动内容管理和有关未成年人保护工作,指导督促剧本娱乐经营场所履行安全生产和消防安全责任。


剧本娱乐经营场所使用的剧本脚本应当设置适龄提示,标明适龄范围;设置的场景不适宜未成年人的,应当在显著位置予以提示,并不得允许未成年人进入。Except for national statutory holidays, rest days and winter and summer holidays, scripted entertainment business venues shall not provide scripted entertainment activities to minors。For those who are difficult to determine whether they are minors, they shall be required to produce their identity documents。

第二十二条中小学校出入口最低交通行走距离五十米范围内不得设置烟(含电子烟)、酒、彩票销售网点。烟(含电子烟)、酒和彩票经营者应当在显著位置设置不向未成年人销售烟(含电子烟)、酒或者彩票的标志,警示标志应当载明违法向未成年人销售烟(含电子烟)、酒、彩票或者兑付彩票奖金的法律责任;For those who are difficult to determine whether they are minors, they shall be required to produce their identity documents。

No one shall smoke (including electronic cigarettes) or drink alcohol in primary and secondary schools and other public places where minors are concentrated。

Article 23 Without the permission of primary and secondary schools, underage students shall not bring mobile phones and other intelligent terminal products into the classroom。学生确有将手机等智能终端产品带入校园需求的,须经学生家长同意、书面提出申请,进校后应将手机等智能终端产品交由学校统一保管。

It is prohibited to rent mobile phones and other smart terminal products to underage students for time, and engage in Internet service business activities in disguise。



(1) attacking or damaging the campus;

(2) Illegally carrying guns, ammunition, controlled knives or explosive, radioactive, toxic, corrosive or other dangerous articles;

(3) enticing, inciting or deceiving students to take drugs or selling drugs to students;

(4) suffering from bullying or other violent injuries by social personnel;

(5) Having suffered or suspected of having suffered sexual assault or indecent assault;

(6) other situations that endanger the physical and mental health and life safety of teachers and students。


Article 26 The traffic administrative department and the urban administrative department of the public security organ shall perform the following duties according to the scope of their respective duties:






第二十九条 城市管理部门应当依法查处和取缔中小学校校园周边区域私建和滥建建筑物、违法占道以及违法摆摊设点、堆放物料等违法行为。

城市管理部门在查处食品摊贩违法占道经营时,发现查处案件涉嫌食品安全问题的,应当在二个工作日内移送市场监管部门依法查处。The illegal goods involved in the transfer case shall be transferred together。市场监管部门无正当理由,不得拒绝接受移送的案件和相关物品;作出处理决定后,应当及时通报移送部门。

第三十条 中小学校校园周边的食品经营者严禁采购、贮存和销售包装或者标签标识具有色情、暴力、不良诱导形式或者内容的食品。

第三十一条 市场监管部门应当定期开展中小学校校园周边食品安全专项整治,加强校园周边食杂店、便利店、小超市等食品销售单位的日常监管。

第三十二条 禁止任何单位或者个人违反有关法律、法规、规章、标准,在中小学校校园周边设立易燃易爆、剧毒、放射性、腐蚀性等危险物品的生产、经营、储存、使用场所或者设施以及其他可能影响学校安全的场所或者设施。

第三十三条 自然人、法人及非法人组织以营利为目的设立中小学生校外托管机构的,应当依法办理市场主体登记;以非营利为目的设立中小学生校外托管机构的,应当依法办理民办非企业单位登记。一并从事非学科教育培训、餐饮、住宿等服务的,还应当办理相关许可审批或者履行备案手续,方准开展相关经营活动。

The registration (filing) items, licensing and examination items of the primary and secondary school students' off-campus care institutions have changed,Shall, in accordance with the law and regulations, go through the corresponding alteration procedures with the original registration (record) authority and the licensing and examination authority,Where the place of business has changed,Health, education, market supervision, fire control and other regulatory authorities should also be informed in a timely manner。

An off-campus care institution for primary and secondary school students shall file a record with the local administrative department of education before opening after going through the relevant procedures。

Article 34 Off-campus trusteeship institutions for primary and secondary school students shall perform the following safety management obligations:


(2) Sign the "Agreement on Off-Campus Care Service for Primary and Secondary School Students" with the custodian of the student;


(4) Students should always have staff to look after them during their trusteeship;



第三十五条 中小学生校外托管机构应当对托管学生登记造册,并将在本托管机构托管的学生名册以及专门接送学生的工作人员身份证明、2024欧洲杯下注平台提交学生所在学校。

The off-campus trusteeship institutions for primary and secondary school students shall reasonably charge the trusteeship fees and publicize the charging standards at the service places。

Chapter III Legal liability

Article 36 Where laws and regulations already provide for punishment for acts violating the provisions of these Regulations, such provisions shall prevail。


第三十八条 违反本条例第十八条规定,在中小学校校园边界任意一点向外沿直线延伸二百米范围内燃放烟花爆竹的,由公安机关责令停止燃放,处一百元以上五百元以下罚款;构成违反治安管理行为的,依法给予治安管理处罚。

第三十九条违反本条例第十九条规定的,由城市管理部门说服教育,责令改正;拒不改正的,Give a warning,对个人可以处二百元以上一千元以下罚款,对单位可以处二千元以上二万元以下罚款。

Article 40 Operators of tobacco (including electronic cigarettes), alcohol and lottery violate the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 22 of these Regulations,Market supervision, tobacco monopoly, civil affairs, sports and other departments in accordance with the division of responsibilities to order correction within a time limit,Give a warning,Confiscation of illegal gains,May also impose a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan;Refusing to correct or the circumstances are serious,Order to suspend business for rectification or revoke the business license or the relevant license,A fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan may be imposed。

Violation of Article 22, paragraph 2 of these Regulations,Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) and drinking alcohol in schools and other public places where minors are concentrated,The departments of public health, education and market supervision shall order them to make corrections in accordance with their respective duties,Give a warning,May also impose a fine of not more than 500 yuan;The site manager fails to stop it in time,Health, education, market supervision and other departments in accordance with the division of responsibilities to give warnings,And a fine of not more than 10,000 yuan。

Article 41 An off-campus trusteeship institution violates the provisions of paragraph 1, paragraph 1, of Article 34 of these Regulations,Failure to perform inquiry obligations,Or recruiting or continuing to employ persons with relevant criminal records,Market supervision, civil affairs and other departments shall order correction within a time limit according to the division of duties,Give a warning,A fine of not more than 50,000 yuan;Refusing to make corrections or causing serious consequences,Order to suspend business for rectification or revoke the business license or the relevant license,And a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan。



Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions

Article 43 The meanings of the following terms in these Regulations:

(1) Units that have close contact with minors,是指学校、幼儿园等教育机构;校外培训机构;未成年人救助保护机构、儿童福利机构等未成年人安置、救助机构;婴幼儿照护服务机构、早期教育服务机构;校外托管、临时看护机构;家政服务机构;为未成年人提供医疗服务的医疗机构;其他对未成年人负有教育、培训、监护、救助、看护、医疗等职责的企业事业单位、社会组织等。


Article 44 These Regulations shall come into force as of March 1, 2023。

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